On Sun, 25 Sep 2011 13:54:45 +0200 Dragoljub Spasojević ds@sbb.rs wrote:
when i try to compile from source i am getting error. Does any had similar problems ?
Building SimpleSnmp ... (cd SimpleSnmp && /usr/bin/ant ) && touch SimpleSnmp Buildfile: /usr/local/src/nav-3.9.1/java/SimpleSnmp/build.xml
[javac] /usr/local/src/nav-3.9.1/java/SimpleSnmp/src/no/ntnu/nav/SimpleSnmp/SimpleSnmp.java:33: package snmp does not exist [javac] import snmp.*; [javac] ^
Is the JavaSNMP library available on the system CLASSPATH, as described in NAV's INSTALL file [1]?
[1] http://metanav.uninett.no/hg/default/file/e79c02c590db/INSTALL.rst#l81