I need to add a roomid that has more than 30 chars.
I've altered the size of rommid column in table room (at database level), but the HTML fields has a 30 chars limitation.
Nav web has built on Django framework which is very nice ;), but I don't know where I can make this modification.
Here at UFSC, we have devices in many places.
Bellow has an example of devices physical location:
UFSC (Santa Catarina's Federal University) Campus Trindade (City: Florianópolis - SC - Brazil) CCB (Biological's Science Centre) Morfologia (Morphology's Department) Secretaria da Morfologia (Morphology's Department Management Room) Lab. Virtual de Estudos Morfológicos (Virtual Laboratory of Morphological Studies)
We have added UFSC as a Parent Organization for Campus Trindade (there are many other campus, but I try to focus only on Trindade):
[image: Imagem inline 1]
CCB (Biological's Science Centre) was registered as a location:
[image: Imagem inline 2]
All the other information we are try to register as a room. Here we are experiencing the mentioned limitation problems. We have thought to register these information as a Location, but the Location information isn't displayed at ip device info screen nor at Edit IP Device screen. Unfortunately, this complicates our work.
Here is a simple room registry example:
CCB_Morfologia_Lab. Virtual de Estudos Morfológicos:CCB::Contato - Gianor - 2320:Na Morfologia/Anatômico, passando a secretaria de morfologia, entre os anfiteatros:::-27.60106, -48.52385
If I try to split "CCB_Morfologia_Lab. Virtual de Estudos Morfológicos" into two fields: (rommid: CCB_Morfologia , description: Lab. Virtual de Estudos Morfológicos) this will cause a contraint violation, because I'll need to add another device that lives in Morphology's Department, but in another place (Morphology's Department Management Room for example).
My sugestion is:
1 - add a field called Location in Edit IP Device screen which filters the Room field. 2 - add Location and Parent Organization information at IP Device Info.
We can help you and your development team to make these modifications (and maybe others). This could be a nice starting.
I hope you understand our necessity and help us to put NAV in production for replace Whatsup Gold.