netboxid | vlanid | vlan | sysname | to_netboxid | to_swportid | trunk | substr
Ok, this helps. Can I ask which VLANs are missing on the switches? Where do they originate? NAV starts at the top (at the router) and explores downward, and if it cannot find the starting point the VLAN will not be visible in any reports.
Could you give the output of this SQL too with slightly more information?
SELECT DISTINCT module.netboxid,typename,gwport.interface,vlanid,vlan.vlan,sysname,gwport.to_n etboxid,gwport.to_swportid,trunk,substr(hexstring,0,3) FROM prefix JOIN vlan USING(vlanid) JOIN gwportprefix ON (prefix.prefixid = gwportprefix.prefixid AND (hsrp='t' OR gwip::text IN (SELECT MIN(gwip::text) FROM gwportprefix GROUP BY prefixid HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT hsrp) = 1))) JOIN gwport USING(gwportid) JOIN module USING(moduleid) JOIN netbox USING (netboxid) JOIN type USING(typeid) LEFT JOIN swport ON (gwport.to_swportid=swportid) LEFT JOIN swportallowedvlan USING (swportid) ORDER BY vlan.vlan;
Thank you, I hope we can get this sorted out soon.
-- Kristian