Dnia wtorek, 18 stycznia 2005 10:31, Kristian Eide napisa?:
In /editdb/prefix/edit/ if I will take some prefix, implicitly put some VLAN number to it, then in Vlan Plot, and some other toolbox stuff this Vlan will be visible. But this is not automatic process.
This is a well-known issue with some Cisco devices; unfortunately we have not (yet) found a way to fetch the vlan numer via SNMP.
We have the vlan number as part of the router interface description and NAV is able to parse this. Could you do something similar? I admit this is not an ideal situation, however, and we are looking for a better way.
But in logs, that I send you, and in some tables in database I can find some vlan numbers... Your suggestion is to use these guide lines: http://metanav.ntnu.no/moin.cgi/SubnetsAndVlans ?
In VlanPlot I have 4 routers (I didnt include all routers in NAV), after clicking one of them there is always an error: "An error occured fetching data from server
Are you able to look at the output written to the console by the applet? There it writes the URL it uses to fetch data from the server; if you could paste that link into a browser and provide the output it would be very helpful in debugging this issue.
In which log I can find this?