OK Morten, tks... I'm sorry that I've sent e-mails directly to you. I had not realized until you talk...
2014-07-08 5:22 GMT-03:00 Morten Brekkevold morten.brekkevold@uninett.no:
On Mon, 7 Jul 2014 09:01:23 -0300 Bruno Galindro da Costa < bruno.galindro@gmail.com> wrote:
After set the interval to 30m in [job_topo] section of /etc/nav/ipdevpoll.conf, this problem was solved, but I dont know why
If you're happy with collecting CAM and topology data that seldom, then sure, fine. It could also be just because you restarted ipdevpoll.
-- Morten Brekkevold UNINETT
-- Att. Bruno Galindro da Costa