Hei alle sammen!
Da er NAV v2.1.3 tilgjengelig ved "navin.sh -upgrade". Jeg vil gjerne be alle sammen om ? ta vare p? utskriften fra oppgraderingen. Ved oppgradering fra 2.1.0 til 2.1.1 viste det seg at p? _noen_ installasjoner ble _noen_ filer ikke oppgradert, og det var gjerne tilfeldig hvilke (det eneste vi har f?tt rapport om er at en av de nye konfigurasjonsfilene til Cricket ikke ble lagt inn hos noen).
Dette er changelog for den nye versjonen:
2.1.3: Fri 29 Nov - Bugfix release
- ifIndex'es are now set correctly for ios-sw. - kilde2db.pl executes subprocesses in different order, to avoid a full stop if makecricketconfig fails. - NAVlog no longer displays an error message if the database is empty. - A new script, cleancricket, checks for cricket specific files in /tmp, deleting these if asked to. These files prevent cricket from running the collector, and are left over if the collector is interrupted by a reboot. - A new script, switchrrds.pl, makes sure cricket data files for switch-ports are correctly named after their database counterparts (a bug in makecricketconfig forced all sysnames to be lowercase) The script is automatically run during an upgrade. - Makecricketconfig no longer lowercases sysnames of switch-ports. Its output is now also more informative, and it uses the -f option for rm to force removal of old config files. Finally, support was added for switches of C1900or-group. - Makecricketconfig would fail to compile Cricket's config tree on it's nightly run. This was because of a conflict with the subtree-collection that runs every minute for giga. Our solution was to rewrite Cricket's compiler to avoid this conflict. - The gwporter script would still chop interface names at 30 characters, even though the database field has been extended, it now chops at 50 characters. - arp_sok.php: * Default number of days is now 7, regardless of search type. * Fixed time-format, removing millisecs * Search for IP now gives number of matches on top of result * Modified to support all subnet masks. - boksinfo.php now supports gsw's by treating them as gw's.
- Changing the name of types in type.txt is now supported. - Subnet mask minimum is now /17 instead of /23. - We now use dnsname as sysname if sysname of a box is not found through SNMP. - insert.pl no longer complains about not finding the subroutine sendmail() - Ragen: * No longer fails when searching by "boksbak". * Sum function now sums correctly. * Treats GSW's as GW's. - The NAV webpage now displays the version number of the running NAV system. - Cricket config for router-interfaces was slightly changed to suit the sorted statistics page. - This upgrade reinstalls all the default cricket config files; the previous upgrades seem to have installed them only at "random".
-- Morten