dear Sir/Madam, I am Patrick, from China, I don't know wether I should send this mail to you or not? I just want to ask a question about the nav. I download NAV3.0.1 from the website, and I think I have already installed this software in my OS(Fedora core 4). I configured everything ( include the apache ) And I started the httpd, tomcat5, postgresql, after I run " nav start " , everything seems ok, then ,what should I do in the following. I have checked the introduction on the web, it said I should go to the web ,which served by my apache server,to login, named as "admin", and also use the password as "admin" for the first time. Then I got puzzled, I don't understand, when I checked the root: /usr/local/nav/apache/webroot, ( the introduction told me to set the document root of apache to "/usr/local/nav/apache/webroot",and I did it.) but I can't find any webpage in this dirctory, there is only one file named index, and it's full name is, is it supposed to be the NAV frontpage? Please help me to get out of this trouble, and tell me what to do next? Thanks very much.
Patrick 8th JUN 2006
__________________________________________________ žÏ¿ì×¢²áÑÅ»¢³¬ŽóÈÝÁ¿Ãâ·ÑÓÊÏä? morten.vold at Fri Jun 9 11:08:47 2006 From: morten.vold at (Morten Vold) Date: Fri Jun 9 10:08:55 2006 Subject: [Nav-users] Bleeding edge In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID:
Hauge Odd Arne wrote:
Following line in db.conf is missing in the latest svn build: "script_arnold = nav"
That's the way of the trunk ;) Fixed now, thanks for noticing!