Having a cachingproblem?
01) a switch (3550-12G) running IOS v12.1
in NAV
02) the switch is removed from NAV.
(getDeviceData UPDATE_DATA-5-UPDATE_NETBOXES 1 removed)
03) The switch is uppgraded to eg. IOS v12.2 something
04) inserted into NAV again.
05) the gDD collects info, but it says that the switch is
still running IOS v12.1
The same happends when the switch is not removed/inserted
More gDD-stuff:
SQLException for update statement: INSERT INTO gwportprefix
(gwportid,prefixid,gwip,hsrp) VALUES ('315','179','','f')
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: insert or update on table
"gwportprefix" violates foreign key constraint "$1"
One box is down. The email is sent, but no sms (even if the
smsd.log said it have been). The gammu-log is also emty.
I'm able to send sms with the navcron user using gammu from the shell.
Network explorer:
I'm not able to browse some part of the tree. If i use
the Device browser it's there.
Device browser:
On some switches it don't show any info (all ports are "white")
B?rge Brunes
Running NAV on FreeBSD
>From woj at Tue Feb 22 11:06:50 2005
From: woj at (Wojciech Kozicki)
Date: Tue Feb 22 11:07:28 2005
Subject: [Nav-users] problem with Syslog Analyzer
I am using Syslog Analyzer from NAV. I have /var/log/cisco.log file, where all
logs from my cisco stuff are collected. Nav has got +w permission on that
tail -f /var/log/cisco.log gives me all communicates. Afer while file is
truncated - I think that NAV process gets to it. But - in NAV Syslog Analyzer
I can see only few communicates, or no communicates. What should I check?
best regards.
Wojciech (Woj) Kozicki
>From peder.sefland at Tue Feb 22 11:43:12 2005
From: peder.sefland at (Peder Magne Sefland)
Date: Tue Feb 22 11:43:22 2005
Subject: SV: [Nav-users] Several problems in beta10
One box is down. The email is sent, but no sms (even if the
smsd.log said it have been). The gammu-log is also emty.
I'm able to send sms with the navcron user using gammu from the shell.
I have experience something like this, when we wanted to make our own scripts with gammu.
We where able to execute the script from shell, but not from a cron-job.
The solution was given me from Bergen University. Gammu needed an exit or end code "\x04"
When I added echo "\x04" into the TEXT that was going to gammu, it worked.
But maybe this is something different.
Peder Magne Sefland
Avd. ingeni?r
H?gskulen i Volda
Postboks 500
6101 VOLDA
70075284 (kontor)
90823914 (mob.)