Hello all
I have an issue with SW boxes, and nav/cricket tryes to collection data from an not existing oid
We use Catalyst 3560E switches as core building switches, and therefor I want to put them in SW mode for having them on the netmap.
Does anyone know where I set that I do not want that OID polled on a 3560 switch ?
-- Regards;
Jan I. Ellertsen phone w:+4755584009 f:+4755584070 desk:+4755584201 e-mail: Jan.Ellertsen@uib.no - IT-Dept, University of Bergen.
On Tue, 5 Jan 2010, Jan I. Ellertsen wrote:
Done :-)
added a # in /usr/local/nav/cricket/cricket-config/switches/Defaults
Hello all
I have an issue with SW boxes, and nav/cricket tryes to collection data from an not existing oid
We use Catalyst 3560E switches as core building switches, and therefor I want to put them in SW mode for having them on the netmap.
Does anyone know where I set that I do not want that OID polled on a 3560 switch ?
-- Regards;
Jan I. Ellertsen phone w:+4755584009 f:+4755584070 desk:+4755584201 e-mail: Jan.Ellertsen@uib.no - IT-Dept, University of Bergen.
-- Med vennlig hilsen;
Jan I. Ellertsen Tlf: +47 arbeid:55584009 fax:55584070 sentralbord:55584201 Jan.Ellertsen@uib.no - IT-Avd, UiB - http://sprett.uib.no/jie