I'm new to NAV, and this list. Have tried to search the archive, but could not find any answers.
I have tried to import ip devices, but I keep getting a error message I can't understand.
If I select Tools > Edit database > IP devices > Add, and fill in all the fields for a switch, except the RW community string (We do not have thees, and I get the same error if I fill in feks. private), I get the error:
Error: exceptions.TypeError: unsubscriptable object
If I try to do a bulk import, I do get some of the same error message: 1 h-51-01: Uknown error while querying IP device: exceptions.TypeError: unsubscriptable object
Anyone seen this before?
I'm running NAV on a Debian testing. Have installed the Debian backage of NAV 2+3.0rc2-1, as explained on http://pkg-nav.alioth.debian.org/.
Some more status output:
# /etc/init.d/nav status
networkDiscovery: Up cricket: Up eventEngine (pid 7298) is running... iptrace: Up maintengine: Up servicemon.py (pid 7310) is running... smsd.pl (pid 7318) is running... thresholdMon: Up mactrace: Up logengine: Up safe_smsd: Up getDeviceData (pid 7325) is running... backup: Up pping.py (pid 7333) is running... Alertengine is running with process id 7344. It has been running for 21 minutes and 55 seconds.
# /etc/init.d/postgresql-7.4 status Version Cluster Port Status Owner Data directory Log file 7.4 main 5432 online postgres /var/lib/postgresql/7.4/main /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-7.4-main.log
# /etc/init.d/tomcat4 status Tomcat 4.1 servlet engine is running with Java pid 7072
If you need any thing else, I'll be happy to extract any information you need.