I have upgraded to NAV 3.1.0 and I got a problem with accessing EDITDB
Mod_python error: "PythonHandler editdb"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/mod_python/apache.py", line
287, in HandlerDispatch
File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/mod_python/apache.py", line
457, in import_module
module = imp.load_module(mname, f, p, d)
File "/usr/local/nav/apache/webroot/editdb/editdb.py", line 29, in ?
import editTables,nav.Snmp,sys,re,copy,initBox,forgetSQL,nav.web
File "/usr/local/nav/lib/python/nav/Snmp.py", line 33, in ?
from pysnmp import role, v1, v2c, asn1
ImportError: cannot import name role
Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem?
best regards
Jan Susegg
North-Trondelag University College
From kreide at gmail.com Mon Jul 3 15:26:46 2006
From: kreide at gmail.com (Kristian Eide)
Date: Mon Jul 3 14:26:51 2006
Subject: [Nav-users] Announcement: NAV 3.1.0 is out
In-Reply-To: 44A8D9E2.6070700@uninett.no
References: 8EEE7738AEDF6947B3E5508A0244D1C2A36A31@stam.himolde.no
Message-ID: b4c110fd0607030526s6ad2e098pacb80842a69cbed0@mail.gmail.com
So the tricky part now is to figure out which changes you've already
included in your database, and which ones you may have overlooked
NAV really needs to get a proper version system for its schema changes
or it will be very hard to manage such changes in any reasonable way
(manually creating sql patch scripts is not the way to go).
>From roar.pettersen at uib.no Mon Jul 3 15:45:17 2006
From: roar.pettersen at uib.no (Roar Pettersen)
Date: Mon Jul 3 14:45:22 2006
Subject: [Nav-users] Editdb error
Hello !
> Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem?
I had exacly the same problem. :-)
You have a missmatch in the pysnmp library when you downgraded from
pysnmp-3.3.5 to 2.0.8.
My solution was to delete /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pysnmp/
and install the pysnmp-2.0.8 again.
Med vennlig hilsen / Regards;
Roar Pettersen
Universitetet i Bergen - The University of Bergen
Nygardsgt. 5 - N-5020 BERGEN - Norway
Tlf: +47 55 58 40 55 VIP: 81503 fax: +47 55 58 40 70
roar.pettersen@it.uib.no - IT-Avd, UiB -
>From morten.vold at uninett.no Mon Jul 3 15:51:23 2006
From: morten.vold at uninett.no (Morten Vold)
Date: Mon Jul 3 14:51:33 2006
Subject: [Nav-users] Announcement: NAV 3.1.0 is out
Kristian Eide wrote:
> NAV really needs to get a proper version system for its schema
> changes or it will be very hard to manage such changes in any
> reasonable way (manually creating sql patch scripts is not the way to
> go).
Interesting observation, Kristian, but your advice isn't very helpful
without any examples or concrete ideas. What, in your opinion, is a
"proper version system for schema changes"?
My take on this is that schema changes are relatively few and far apart
in NAV today. Therefore I don't see the need to invest a lot of time
into devising some elaborate system to avoid having to manually write
sql patch scripts.
My suggestions is rather to implement a project policy to commit patch
scripts along with any schema alterations. That way, a poor release
coordinator (me) won't have to piece together every schema change that
took place since the last release, and produce a whopping mishmash of
hopefully consistent SQL upgrade statements on each release.
Also, this should solve the problem for the few who might be using
bleeding edge code from trunk at all times. They might not all be SQL
wizards, able to analyze the changes and whip up their own SQL
statements to change the schema, but each revision that updates the
schema will come with an up-to-date upgrade script. We've never claimed
that tracking the development trunk should be a piece-of-cake, though.
Morten Vold