The third maintenance release of the 5.0 series of NAV is now out!
The source code is available for download at GitHub [1].
New packages for Debian 9/10 (Stretch/Buster) are available in our APT repository [2] as usual.
Please also be extra aware of config file changes. Look out for `*.dpkg-dist` files in /etc/nav and make sure to update your running config.
The virtual appliance will be updated shortly.
Deprecation warning ===================
Python 2 reaches its end-of-life on **January 1, 2020**. NAV 5.0 therefore moves to Python 3, and as such, you will need at least Python 3.5 to run NAV.
Most of NAV will still run on Python 2 as of the 5.0 release, but from this point, Python 2 will be deprecated and we will start removing code that exists solely to keep compatibility with Python 2.
Changes =======
Fixed GitHub issues in this release:
* #2015 (Broken Mikrotik LLDP-MIB implementation causes ipdevpoll LLDP plugin to crash) * #2055 ([BUG] Navlets crash/appear blank if their config is stored as legacy pickles) * #2057 (Make servicemon run on Python 3) * #2058 ([BUG] navpgdump crashes with TypeError on Python 3 if exclusion options are provided) * #2059 ([BUG] Coriant Groove sensors names appear as reprs of bytes objects under Python 3) * #2060 ([BUG] smsd gammudispatcher error handling fails on Python 3) * #2061 ([BUG] silent_include tag template crashes any view that uses it) * #2062 ([BUG] ipdevpoll considers the same devices changed on every reload loop, causing massive scheduling problems) * #2063 (Massively reduce the number of queries produced by the API /alert endpoint) * #2065 ([BUG] some servicemon checker runs crash with a UnboundLocalError) * #2066 (Increase the max number of shown alerts in Status page to 1000 and provide feedback spinner when loading data) * #2067 ([BUG] Alertengine Slack dispatcher fails with TypeError) * #2068 ([BUG] Workaround for faulty Aruba ENTITY-MIB::entLogicalTable implementation crashes with TypeError on Python 3) * #2069 ([BUG] ipdevpoll inventory job crashes with a Django ValidationError) * #2070 ([BUG] Servicemon SMTP checker fails with " a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'") * #2071 ([BUG] Active maintenance task list crashes when tasks contain deleted IP devices) * #2072 ([BUG] Servicemon RadiusChecker always fails with "secret must be a binary string" message) * #2073 ([BUG] Room image upload crashes with a TypeError)
Please see the release notes [3] for more details. Happy NAVing everyone!
Links =====
[1] [2] [3]