I have installed NAV and all the processes seems to works properly.
Typing: nav status Up: alertengine cricket eventengine getDeviceData iptrace logengine mactrace maintengine networkDiscovery pping servicemon smsd snmptrapd thresholdMon
I resolve some problems with tomcat5.5, at this time when I do http://localhost:8080/ it returns the default web page of Apache tomcat/5.5, it seems to work without problems.
At this time I need to access the WEB interface of NAV, but I can?t.
Typing http://localhost:8080/ doesn?t go to the WEB interface of NAV, and http://localhost/ returns http://localhost/apache2-default/.
In /var/www/ I find the folders: apache2-default cricket nav
#SMB-SERVER:/var/www# ls #apache2-default cricket nav
The content of /var/www/nav/ is:
about editdb l2trace navAdmin toolbox alertprofiles images logger preferences useradmin.py arnold index.py machinetracker report useradmin.pyc browse index.pyc maintenance stats vlanPlot cricket ipinfo messages status vPServer devicemanagement js mysms style
What seems to be the contents of the WEB page. The only index files are index.py and index.pyc and they doesn?t work.
Grateful for help.
Helder Mendes http://www.deg.isep.ipp.pt
From morten.brekkevold at uninett.no Fri Feb 29 12:59:31 2008
From: morten.brekkevold at uninett.no (Morten Brekkevold) Date: Fri Feb 29 12:59:41 2008 Subject: [Nav-users] Mailing lists will be moved Message-ID: yyl7igoug64.fsf@voldsminde.uninett.no
Hi everyone,
This is just a notification that the nav-users, nav-dev and nav-commit mailing lists will be moved to a different address within the next couple of weeks.
The lists are currently hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). They will soon be migrating to new mailing list software, which will be accessible only internally to NTNU employees and students.
Because of this, we will begin hosting the NAV mailing lists here at UNINETT. The subscriber list and archives should be migrated by the end of the next two weeks. A new announcement will be made then.
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 18:22:46 +0000 "helder mendes" helder.mendes.84@gmail.com wrote:
I have installed NAV and all the processes seems to works properly.
Typing: nav status Up: alertengine cricket eventengine getDeviceData iptrace logengine mactrace maintengine networkDiscovery pping servicemon smsd snmptrapd thresholdMon
I resolve some problems with tomcat5.5, at this time when I do http://localhost:8080/ it returns the default web page of Apache tomcat/5.5, it seems to work without problems.
At this time I need to access the WEB interface of NAV, but I can´t.
Typing http://localhost:8080/ doesn´t go to the WEB interface of NAV, and http://localhost/ returns http://localhost/apache2-default/.
In /var/www/ I find the folders: apache2-default cricket nav
The Debian package drops a simple virtualhost config for NAV into /etc/apache2/sites-available/, but obviously it doesn't activate it. The active site is probably /etc/apache2/sites-available/default (you can see this by checking which of the files in sites-available are symlinked into /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/). The default site config uses /var/www/ as the DocumentRoot, while the NAV site config uses /var/www/nav/ as the DocumentRoot.
To fix this, do the following as root:
a2dissite default a2ensite <whatever the package calls the file it dropped into sites-available> /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload
On another note, make sure that Apache's ServerName config option is set to a proper DNS name that your server is accessible under, otherwise you will have problems accessing things such as the traffic map applet (access your web server as http://mynavserver.mydomain/ rather than http://localhost/, and have ServerName set to mynavserver).