Hello, I've recently installed NAV, and am having a problem with the network explorer, when i click on it i get the message:
HTTP Status 404 - /navAdmin/servlet/navAdmin type Status report message /navAdmin/servlet/navAdmin description The requested resource (/navAdmin/servlet/navAdmin) is not available. Apache Tomcat/5.5
perhaps there is some needed configuration change that i missed?
Thanks, Yoni.
On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 15:46:13 +0200 yonat2@post.tau.ac.il wrote:
and am having a problem with the network explorer, when i click on it i get the message:
HTTP Status 404 - /navAdmin/servlet/navAdmin type Status report message /navAdmin/servlet/navAdmin description The requested resource (/navAdmin/servlet/navAdmin) is not available. Apache Tomcat/5.5
perhaps there is some needed configuration change that i missed?
No, it just sounds like you haven't installed the servlet in Tomcat's webapps directory.
NAV contains two Java servlets, vPServer.war and navAdmin.war . These are usually installed in the apache/webapps/ directory, and should be symlinked into Tomcat's webapps directory (wherever your Tomcat installation may be, you don't mention which distro you are using).