On Thu, 30 Mar 2006, Peder Magne Sefland wrote:
> I'm running centos and after the last update I got problem with that pping.py stops.
> I have talked with others how are running redhat, and where servicemon.py has stopped.
> is there a general problem with this version of python?
> rpm -q python
> python-2.3.4-14.2
> How can I log/debug this?
Same thing happend here at UiO. Running on RHEL4 with same python version.
pping.log just says "pping.py:signalhandler:186 [Alert ] Caught SIGTERM.
>From peder.sefland at hivolda.no Thu Mar 30 17:52:36 2006
From: peder.sefland at hivolda.no (Peder Magne Sefland)
Date: Thu Mar 30 16:52:53 2006
Subject: [Nav-users] more python-problems
Message-ID: <442C0CD3.3657.00CE.0(a)hivolda.no>
It's startet with that pping.py stopped.
Now I also get errors in /browse/service/allMatrix
We're terribly sorry, but something went wrong.. :(
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/nav/lib/python/nav/web/devBrowser/dispatcher.py", line 96, in handler
result = handler.process(request)
File "/usr/local/nav/lib/python/nav/web/devBrowser/service.py", line 82, in process
return showAllMatrix(request,sort)
File "/usr/local/nav/lib/python/nav/web/devBrowser/service.py", line 112, in showAllMatrix
curs = db.cursor()
InterfaceError: already closed
and /index/index
Mod_python error: "PythonHandler mod_python.publisher"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/mod_python/apache.py", line 299, in HandlerDispatch
result = object(req)
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/mod_python/publisher.py", line 136, in handler
result = util.apply_fs_data(object, req.form, req=req)
File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/mod_python/util.py", line 361, in apply_fs_data
return object(**args)
File "/usr/local/nav/apache/webroot/index.py", line 72, in index
page.messages = messagelist(req.session['user'])
File "/usr/local/nav/lib/python/nav/web/messages/lib.py", line 125, in messagelist
database.execute("select emotd.emotdid, title, description, last_changed, author, type, publish_start, publish_end, affected, downtime, count(value) as units from emotd left outer join emotd_related using (emotdid) where %s group by emotd.emotdid, title, description, last_changed, author, type, publish_start, publish_end, affected, downtime order by last_changed desc, publish_end desc limit %d offset %d" %(time,LIMIT,offset*LIMIT))
InterfaceError: already closed
Any ideas how I should fix this?