On Fri, 20 Sep 2019 08:39:13 +0200 Morten Brekkevold morten.brekkevold@uninett.no wrote:
On Thu, 19 Sep 2019 05:25:25 +0000 René Romijn Rene.Romijn@tabsholland.nl wrote:
So, everything seems to be working fine now 😊 running on the latest.
Glad to hear it! Please do consider bumping the Debian issue, though; anything that prods the package maintainer to make a more permanent solution would be helpful :)
I have just uploaded an NMU package of graphite-carbon 1.1.5 in the buster archive at https://nav.uninett.no/debian , in an attempt to overcome the issues described (and not yet solved by the package maintainer) at https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=923464
If you're already pulling the NAV Debian packages from our repository, your Debian system should likely pull the new graphite-carbon package from there when you issue an `apt-get update && apt-get upgrade`.
-- mvh Morten Brekkevold Uninett