On Mon, 24 Aug 2009 15:30:06 +0100 "D.P.Round" d.p.round@bangor.ac.uk wrote:
We could still use NAV, but would have to temporarily connect all switches to the network as they arrive in order to let NAV see them. I guess this is possible, but it would be preferable to me to be able to fool NAV that it had seen the switch without the pain of booting/configuring it. This could be done with a small change to the Seed database/IP Devices/Add screen perhaps, rather than maintaining the asset management tools?
You have a valid point. I think we should discuss adding a simple form to seed db for "Add serial number of on-the-shelf device". I'm creating a blueprint for this so we have it on record: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nav/+spec/register-offline-serial
A proper report listing on-the-shelf devices might be very useful to some, including you, perhaps?
It certainly would.
So I just added this blueprint as well: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nav/+spec/offline-devices-report
Should be simple enough - a new report definition in report.conf is all that is required.