Network explorer: I'm not able to browse some part of the tree. If i use the Device browser it's there.
Can you give an example so I can debug this? Network explorer always starts from the top and explores downward, thus the complete topology needs to be present. Some missing topology is probably what is causing this problem.
Seems that after I upgraded the switch browsing are working OK....but If I do a "Search in field IP" I got no hit. If I do the same search with "sysName" it works.
Device browser: On some switches it don't show any info (all ports are "white")
Same solution as above: After an upgrade things are OK.
Some more: Network discovery report (var/log/networkDiscovery/networkDiscovery-topology.html): (where do I find this report in the web-gui?) Some problem with the link between all(?) the routers eg: <font color="red">ERROR:</font> Could not find record for other side of link! boks(31): <b></b> Ifindex: <b>10101</b> boksBak: <b></b><br> <font color="red">ERROR:</font> Could not find record for other side of link! boks(47): <b></b> Ifindex: <b>10101</b> boksBak: <b></b><br> This problem is also present in NAV v2.
gDD: On the 3550 and 3750 a lot of these are found in the gDD-log:
CGW_DEVHANDLER-4-CGW_MATCH-MODULE Module 0 does not exist on netbox, default to 1 CGW_DEVHANDLER-4-CGW_MATCH-MODULE Module 0 does not exist on netbox, default to 1 CGW_DEVHANDLER-4-CGW_MATCH-MODULE Supervisor not found and could not match module pattern to if: Loopback0 CGW_DEVHANDLER-4-CGW_MATCH-MODULE Supervisor not found and could not match module pattern to if: Vlan167 CGW_DEVHANDLER-4-CGW_MATCH-MODULE Supervisor not found and could not match module pattern to if: Vlan202 CGW_DEVHANDLER-4-CGW_MATCH-MODULE Supervisor not found and could not match module pattern to if: Vlan203 CGW_DEVHANDLER-4-CGW_MATCH-MODULE Supervisor not found and could not match module pattern to if: Vlan204 CGW_DEVHANDLER-4-CGW_MATCH-MODULE Supervisor not found and could not match module pattern to if: Vlan221 CGW_DEVHANDLER-4-CGW_MATCH-MODULE Supervisor not found and could not match module pattern to if: Vlan703 CGW_DEVHANDLER-4-CGW_MATCH-MODULE Supervisor not found and could not match module pattern to if: Vlan805 CGW_DEVHANDLER-4-CGW_MATCH-MODULE Supervisor not found and could not match module pattern to if: Vlan848 CGW_DEVHANDLER-4-CGW_MATCH-MODULE Supervisor not found and could not match module pattern to if: Vlan94
After moving a IP-net from one SVI to another: SQLException for update statement: INSERT INTO gwportprefix (gwportid,prefixid,gwip,hsrp) VALUES ('545','278','','f') org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: insert or update on table "gwportprefix" violates foreign key constraint "$2"